星星對於嫩薑來說不太有奇幻色彩, The Sun is a star,很熱😂;可能因為這樣,加上故事張力比較弱,Eric Carle這本「Draw Me a Star」對嫩薑比較沒有吸引力,相較於Oliver Jeffers「How to Catch a Star」。後來自行加入一些對話後,嫩薑覺得有趣多了~

🔆 歡迎追蹤我的IG:
📖 Draw Me a Star by Eric Carle


👩:「It's a beautiful star with many colours. What colours do you see? I see blue.」
👶:「I see purple, I see green, I see blue ...」
👩:「The star feels lonely. He needs friends. So he asks for ___. 」
👶:「The sun.」

👩:「And the artist drew the sun. It was a cold sun?」
👶:「No, warm sun.」

👩:「Mummy is a woman. Daddy is a man. We get married. We are a couple.」
👩:「Mummy and Daddy need a place to live in so the artist draws them a ___.」

👩:「Wow, it is a big and strong house. The house wants to invite friends to live in. So the house asks for a ___.」這裡我有時候會發出woof woof的聲音提示。
👩:「And the dog says, "I need a friend too." So the artist draws a ___.」

👩:「Meow meow. The cat says, "Draw me a ___."」An animal that chirps and flies in the sky
👩:「Draw me a butterfly, said the bird. The butter feels hungry. It needs food, like nectar or pollen. So it says, "Draw me a ___."」

👩:「Wow, more than one flowers. They are beautiful!」「The flowers look a bit thirsty. So they say, "Draw me a _____ with ____.」
👶:「Cloud, rain.」


👩:「I love this night sky. It's black with a little blue.」
👶:「I love it too.」

👩:「The moon is alone in the sky. So he asks for ___.」
👶:「A star!」

👩:「Where will they go?」答案就讓小孩自由發揮囉~
之前共讀How to Catch a Star已經用水彩、跟玻璃紙做過星星了,這次改用閃亮亮的紙膠帶(masking tape),左右搖晃會發出不同光澤,很漂亮~

接著嫩薑自己把星星剪下來,我列印出他的相片,黏在星星上,之後講到travelled across the night sky時候,可以搭配一起玩;之後每次共讀也都可以拿出來用。
卡爾爺爺的這本書主旨透過一位藝術家來讚揚我們擁有的想像力,以及創造力;如果把「Draw Me a Star」當作低幼故事繪本來讀,對嫩薑來說過於平淡。從另外一個角度看, 「Draw Me a Star」充滿繽粉色彩,蠻適合一至兩歲圖像啟蒙的低幼孩子,我自己就喜歡藝術家畫黑夜時加點藍色,讓黑夜有了活力的感覺。
📚 相關閱讀
Oliver Jeffers: How to Cath a Star