第一眼在蘋果樹看到這本「when's my birthday」就喜歡上了!以孩子天真的口吻來敘述期待自己生日到來的心情;書中插畫是我喜歡的風格,滿滿的蛋糕、蠟燭、禮物則是非常吸引嫩薑的目光。
🔆插畫家Christian Robison很有名唷!「Last Stop on Market Street(市場街最後一站)」、「The Bench」by Meghan Markle也是他的作品。

📖 when's my birthday by Julie Fogliano, illustrated by Christian Robinson

👩:「Wow, what do we see here?」
👩:「One candle?」
👶:「Many candles.」
👩:「Yeah, candles for birthday!」

👩:「A party hat on the head, balloons in her hand.」「Look, there's a balloon dog!」
👶:「What colour do you like?」
👩:「Do you mean which balloon I like?」
👩:「I love this white balloon. How about you?」
👶:「I want all!」

👩:「Look at this cake! It's covered in white buttercream. Looks so yummy!」

👶:「I want the ball for my birthday!」🔆立刻先發制人,說自已想要什麼。
👩:「What about this boy?」
👶:「He is a farmer.」
👩:「Yeah, that's why he wants a chicken for his birthday!」

👩:「How old is the boy?」
👩:「Yeah, one candle for one year old.」

👩:「So much yummy food for his birthday!」

🔆「wakey wakey time for cakey!」很可愛又押韻的句子!
🔆「a cakey cake」:a delicious cake.
🔆「She is so cakey」: wear too much makeup 😆

🔆 注意看會發現從書名到內文通通都是小寫:小寫,相較於大寫,不是那麼正式,比較隨性,有時候text message也全是用小寫;加上這本書內容是從一個的小女孩的角度口吻來寫,句子重覆很像是孩子一直在問同一個問題沒有停止過。
「Fogliano's insistent verse wastes no time and doesn't even stop for traditional capitalization—just like the young narrators, who want to know, "when's my birthday?/where's my birthday?/how many days until/my birthday?"」(謝謝共讀群Neptune所提供的資訊。)

⚙️ 相關影音
Blippi -- 12 months of the year:嫩薑瘋狂聽這首非常洗腦的月份歌曲,大概聽個五六次就全部背下來了,很推薦!🤣

🔧 相關教具-- A Calendar

請嫩薑挑出當月份的磁鐵放上去,then tell him that 1st August falls on Monday,接著把剩下日期往下排放,趁機順便熟悉數字;每天早上起床,請他把圈圈⭕️放在當天的日期,讓他稍微有時間感。執行一個月了,稍微知道每個月每天是用數字來表示;當月如果有假期或是節日也可以順勢提醒他,例如八月八號父親節。
Christian Robinson用圖畫、彩色剪紙、和拼貼等不同的元素,讓整本書充滿蛋糕、蠟燭、禮物,滿滿的生日氛圍;不止嫩薑喜歡,一起共讀的我看著這些可愛童趣的插圖,也彷彿回到了童年。