Jan Thomas的繪本嫩薑大概三歲多我有在圖書館借過,他蠻買單的!那時候最喜歡的是「A Birthday for Cow」;因為很喜歡,所以決定入手,之後陸陸續續入手「My Toothbrush Is Missing」、「Rhyming with Dust Bunnies」、「Here Comes the Big Mean Dust Bunny」。看到我拿出「A Birthday for Cow」立刻就說:「我以前看過,turnip!」🤣


📖 A Birthday for Cow

👩:「Duck circles a date on the calendar! It's Cow's birthday!」
👦:「October 17!」
👩:「Yes, October 17 is Cow's Birthday. It's TODAY!」
👩:「Pig and Mouse are making a birthday cake for Cow. What ingredients do they need?」
👦:「Eggs, sugar!」
👩:「And flour!」

👩:「And a turnip! Duck said excitedly!」
Duck在Pig & Mouse準備蛋糕過程中,一直堅持要放Turnip在蛋糕上!可是都被拒絕!
🔆 turnip是我們俗稱的大頭菜;圖片來源Wikipedia。

👩:「Cow looks so excited! He is so happy to see ...」

👩:「Cow loves Duck's turnip more than Mouse's homemade birthday cake!」「What are Pig and Mouse going to do with the cake?」
那Mouse & Pig怎麼處理他們做的蛋糕呢?🤭
📖 My Toothbrush Is Missing

👩:「Wow! full of toothbrushes and toothpaste. Look, there's a name sticker on each toothbrush. It's D-O-G dog!」

👩:「Oh! What's this?」
👦:「A hand!」
👩:「Someone is taking away Dog's toothbrush. Who could it be?」
👩:「Who takes Dog's toothbrush? Everyone is thinking about it.」

👩:「What does YOUR toothbrush look like?」這裡我改問嫩薑他的牙刷長怎樣,一起來練習描述。


👩:「Is that Dog's toothbrush?」
👦:「No, it's a cat!」

👩:「Duck is so surprised. Why?」
👦:「It's Dog's toothbrush!」
👩:「Donkey is using Dog's toothbrush for scrubbing his hooves!」
🔆 故事唸完後我們一起討論了是否可以拿別人的牙刷來用,探討個人衛生的問題。
📖 Rhyming with Dust Bunnies
有四隻dust bunnies在玩押韻腳的遊戲!其中一隻狀況外,每次給的字的韻腳都跟其他的不同~
🔆 dust bunnies (balls of dust)中文稱為灰塵球,a ball of dust that forms under furniture or on floors that have not been cleaned.

Dust bunnies分別有他們自己的名字,最喜歡玩押韻遊戲。
👩:「Bob seems not excited about the rhyming games. They are Bob, Ned ....」
👦:「Ted, Bob!」

第一題是「What rhymes with Car?」Ed, Ted, Ned都很認真回答,只有Bob狀況外。
🔆 對故事的句子熟悉後,可以讓孩子試著說出來「far」「jar」「tar」,自己感受韻腳的樂趣。更大的孩子則可以參與dust bunnies的押韻遊戲。

🔆 這裡我唸到「Look」和「car」會稍微強調「k」& 「r」的音,讓嫩薑聽出他們是不同的音。

繼續好幾回,這次題目是「What rhymes with dog?」
👩:「So what rhymes with dog?」
👩:「Nice! What are dust bunnies's answers?」


朋友再次耐心跟他說你的句子不押韻啦!這時Bob突然大叫「RUN FOR IT!」
📖 Here Comes the big mean dust bunny
主角一樣是四隻dust bunnies在玩押韻的遊戲,這時候來了一隻big mean dust bunny。

👩:「This big mean grey dust bunny is not kind, not friendly to the friends. He tries to scare them. 」

dust bunnies邀請他一起來玩押韻,一開始big mean dust bunny不要,不過當他們開始後,big mean dust bunny就插話說他知道!

說完「SIT」之後,就整個坐壓在dust bunnies身上。
👩:「Oh dear! This dust bunny sit on his dust bunny friends. He is so MEAN! We shouldn't be mean to our friends. We should be friendly to them.」

之後big mean dust bunny搶著要出題!「跟face押韻的字有哪些呢?」Bob在旁邊小聲地說「cat!」

big dust bunny繼續搶著出題!題目還沒說完,Bob大叫「Cat!」

big dust bunny被大貓給壓扁了,Ed、Ned、Ted、Bob一起用力將big dust bunny拉開,這時候他們說「跟Tug押韻的字有哪些呢?」
👩:「Although big dust bunny is mean to the friends, his dust bunny friends are still nice to him. They are helping him.」

big mean dust bunny突然很開心地說「我知道!」
👩:「Hooray! The big mean dust bunny is back again!」

👩:「Oh, so lovely! They are good friends now!」
🔆每次唸到這裡時,都會給嫩薑一個big hug!
故事還沒結束喲!dust bunny還有個可愛的小變化呢~留給大家自己去找尋答案囉!
Jan Thomas的作品互動性蠻強的,再加上句子短、單字也都不難,蠻適合拿來跟孩子互動共讀的。不過對於喜歡聽故事性豐富的孩子,吸引效期會比較短一點,除非故事戳中他的笑點,就像嫩薑喜歡「A Birthday for Cow」那般。🤣
毛毛蟲點讀「I Spy」每本的後面也有類似押韻的遊戲,近期又拿出來玩,嫩薑很喜歡!(點相片有連結)。