這本「Pete the Cat And The Lost Tooth」用字簡單、故事結尾很有愛,用來介紹tooth fairy我自己覺得蠻適合低幼的。唸完之後我問嫩薑:「Do you know what the Tooth Fairy likes?」「A lost tooth that is healthy. So we need to brush the teeth well.」

「Pete the Cat」是嫩薑快兩歲至兩歲半很常點閱的系列之一,現在偶而還是會翻出來一起共讀(書真的是越唸越香)。
「Pete the Cat」除了I Can Read系列之外,有一系列是有搭配歌曲,或是故事內文有偏韻文形式的:「His Four Groovy Buttons」、「Rocking in My School Shoes」、「I Love My White Shoes」、「The New Guy」、「His Magic Sunglasses」、「Saves Christmas」;曲風跟一般我們所熟悉的兒歌不太一樣,是大人聽久了也不會覺得煩的風格,很有節奏感,也很洗腦。TLG音樂課程中的音樂就是Pete the Cat 故事原作者Eric Litwin所創辦的。🔆我把其中幾本的影片放在下面;之後再稍微分享內文。
📖 Pete the Cat And The Lost Tooth by James Dean

👩:「Look, Mummy, my lost tooth! What can I do with it?」假裝是 Pete。
👶:「The crescent moon!」
👩:「Yeah, it's night time. Time for Pete to go to bed.」

👩:「Pete hears a jingle. Who's coming?」
👶:「The Tooth Fairy. 」
👩:「Look at Pete. One of his eye is open and one is closed. Can you do it?」「Well done!」

👩:「With magic wings, Pete can ____.」
👶:「Fly! 」


👩:「Callie is fast asleep. Pete finds the lost tooth under the pillow.」「Pete takes the lost tooth and then _____.」
👶:「Leave a coin.」


👩:「Wow, Alligator's tooth is bigger than Callie's tooth.」
👶:「I want Pete to touch the teeth(tooth) and get hurt.」莫名冒出這句話,最近超愛講反話的;洗澡的時候還假裝自己是Alligator,牙齒很尖銳要咬爸爸😂。
👩:「But that hurts!」
👩:「Can you say "Pete, careful not to scratch your finger. It may bleed.」

👩:「Uh-oh! Something strange happens. 」「Pete checks under the pillow. Does he find the lost tooth?」
👩:「Yeah, nothing under the pillow.」很驚訝的口吻。

👩:「Pete searches high and low, under the bed? behind the drum?」
👶:「He open one eye and close one eye.」右邊那頁的Gus突然睜開眼睛。
👩:「He sees the Tooth Fairy!」

👩:「Gus's lost tooth is nowhere to be found! What's going on?」

👩:「Look inside my mouth. Do you see any teeth?」假裝是Gus.
👩:「Oh, I see. Platypuses don't have teeth. That's why Pete can't find Gus's lost tooth.」
👩:「Why platypuses have no teeth? They are born without teeth.」
「A platypus is an animal with a beak like a duck!」講到beak時,我扁扁我的嘴,順便用手勢拉長。

👩:「Gus doesn't have teeth. What does Pete do to help Gus?」
👶:「He gets Gus a coin.」

👩:「Can you say well done, Pete?」
👶:「Well done!」

👩:「Everyone is different, like Callie and Alligator are different though they both have teeth. Alligator's teeth are bigger and shaper than Callie's.」「We can be nice and kind to those who are different from us, like Pete being nice to Gus. It's such a wonderful thing. 」嫩薑上學之前我這段是簡單帶過;現在三歲多也上學了,感覺生活經驗更豐富,所以這裡有再多深入講一些,不求嫩薑一定要很懂,只希望種下「be nice to people around us」的種子在他心中,期待有天發芽☺️。
📍 I Love My White Shoes/ Rocking in My School Shoes / His Four Groovy Buttons/ Saves Christmas 合輯故事跟音樂;嫩薑大部分都蠻喜歡的,小時候最喜歡的是Four Groovy Buttons,趁機學了belly button😄,現在喜歡裡面出現的簡單減法。現在上學了,Rocking in My School Shoes也覺得很有共鳴。

Pete the Cat雖然畫風不是可愛路線,但色彩很鮮豔,故事有趣,有些蠻幽默的,有些隱含特殊涵意,甚至有些是可以從低幼唸到大童的喲!