農曆新年快到了! 簡單分享兩本農曆新年的繪本。

這次主要分享的是右邊Karen Katz的「My First Chinese New Year」;Karen Katz出了很多低幼寶寶的繪本,這本關於農曆新年雖然句子必較長,但文字不算難,內容也很豐富,只是對三歲的嫩薑來說,「過年」這個念還有點抽象,興趣一般般。
左邊「Dragon Dance: A Chinese New Year Lift-the-Flap Book」有簡單翻頁機關,內文相對比較簡化。
👩:「Wow, beautiful red paper on the wall. Why we use red paper not blue paper to decorate the house?」「Cause red means good luck and happiness.」
👩:「What are they doing?」
👩:「We sweep away the dust and back luck, ready for the good luck.」
嫩薑很喜歡打掃遊戲,broom/sweep/ mop/ duster這類的字都蠻常用到的;雖然掃地機器人都把工作做完了,但有時候我還是會請他get the broom and sweep the floor。
👩:「Can you find the big bowl?」「Yes. What's in the bowl?」
👩:「Why do we eat oranges or tangerines on Chinese New Year?」
👶:「Good luck!」
👩:「Can we have apples or grapes in the bowl?」「Yes, we can have the fruit that we like.」
👩:「Mommy will buy you new clothes. Daddy will have your hair cut.」「What's in their hand?」
👶:「 Mirror」
👩:「Who can you see in the mirror?」
👩:「On New Year's Eve, we will sit around the table, and eat a lot of delicious food together!」「What do you want to eat?」
👶:「banana, grape」
👩:「Grandpa, Grandma will put the money in red envelops and give them to you. They want to wish you good luck and to be healthy.」「What can we say when getting the red envelops?」
👶:「Thank you.」
👩:「Great! Or we can say 謝謝阿公阿嬤,恭喜發財!」「Let's practice!」
👶:「謝謝阿公阿嬤,恭喜發財! 」
👩:「It's lion dance! Wow, its mouth is wide open! What's inside its mouth?」
👶:「leaves. 」😂
👩:「The green ones are lettuce. Take a guess, what is this?」指著紅包,「 We put money in it.」
👶:「Red envelop」
👩:「Yeah, we feed the lion red envelops for good luck.」
👩:「There will be a dragon dance, too!」
相較My First Chinese New Year,嫩薑比較喜歡Ddragon Dance這本一點點,可能是因為有翻頁小機關,還有它的十二生肖!
👩:「Twelve animals for each year. Let's have a look at these animals. 」
👶:「Pig, tiger, rabbit ... 」
👩:「In which year year were you born?」「Whoof, woof 」
👩:「Yeah, you were born in the Year of the Dog.」「Which animal year is it now?」
---- 🐯 點貼春/福/吉字:將吉祥的字寫在紅色春聯紙上,用自己喜歡、方便的素材,貼出字型,之後我跟嫩薑一起將作品貼在牆上;透過這個活動,讓嫩薑將春聯跟過年連結在一起。順便透過這個活動,訓練嫩薑專注力,以及手指精細動作~
----🐯 油墨拓印:我在網路上找到喜歡的老虎圖案如下,之後開始拆解臉部。
只要按壓臉部器官就好,但嫩薑瘋狂按壓,黑色部分太多了!🤣 問嫩薑要畫什麼在上面?他說「Planets」,不適合啦!改畫星星給他~
👩:「Why we print a tiger face on the red paper?not a cat or dog? 」
👶:「 I don't know.」
👩:「cause this year is the year of the Tiger.」知道今年是虎年,但無法將春聯跟虎年聯想在一起,很有趣!😆
👩:「Oh! You mean the stripes on tiger's forehead? It looks like Chinese character 王,means "King".」拿筆畫給嫩薑看。
👩:「looks like a character.」沒關係,不用馬上理解。
sweep | 掃 |
ancestor | 祖先 |
tangerine | 柑橘 |
orange | 柳丁 |
brand-new | 全新的 |
feast | 盛宴 |
wiggle | 擺動 |
gobble | 狼吞虎嚥 |